
The Nirmata users can be added to a team An account can have multiple users, and each user has a role

Adding a team

To add team:

  1. Click the Identity & Access > Teams.
  2. Click Add Team button.
  3. Enter the team name in the Name field, and select the Users from the drop-down list.
  4. Add the team Description and click OK.

Editing or deleting the team

To edit a team’s description:

  1. Click the Identity & Access > Teams.

  2. Click the team card you want to edit.


  3. Click the add team description to add a team’s description.

  4. Add members to the selected team by clicking the + button the members panel.

  5. Select the users from the drop-down list and click OK.

  6. Add permission for the selected team by clicking + in the Access panel.

  7. Select Catalogs and select Permission from the drop-down list.

  8. Click OK.

To delete the selected team, click Delete Team, and click Delete button.