Workload Policies

Nirmata offers a rich set of policies that can be used to decouple environment specific information from application definition. This allows your application to be more portable across clusters and across cloud providers.

Here is a summary of the available types of policies. Each one of these is described in more detail in the sections below.

Policy Type Description
Workload Policies Used to audit, validate or generate Kubernetes configuration
Environment Types Used to create new Environment
Cluster Types Used to create new Kubernetes Clusters

Workload Policies

Workload policies are used to audit or validate Kubernetes configuration to detect security violation and ensure compliance. Workload policies can also to used to mutate existing configration or generate new configuration.

Environment Types

An environment type is used to define the resource quotas for your environment.

Cluster Types

A cluster type is used to define the configuration of your cluster. For details on how to create and manage cluster types, see Cluster Types.