Add Custom Resource Definitions

To deploy Vault at the cluster level, begin by deploying CRDs.

Deploy the etcd_crds.yaml Deploy the vault_crd.yaml

To deploy a YAML on a cluster, open the cluster and then select Apply YAML from the Cluster Settings menu.


Drop the YAML file into the upload box or select the file from the directory.

Create the Vault Environment

Vault creates resources in its own namespace: vault.

Create a “vault” namespace as a Nirmata environment.

To create a new Environment, select Environment from the sidebar menu. Then click, +Add Environment and complete the information in the pop-up window using the name “vault.” Click Add.


The new environment appears in the Environments list.


Create the Vault Application Space and Upload YAML Files

Now, create a new application in the Vault environment using the supplied YAMLs.

Vault Application YAMLs: etcd-operator-deploy.yaml deployment.yaml example-vault.yaml

To create a new application, add each YAML to the Application Catalog. Select Catalog in the sidebar menu and then select Application Catalog. From the main Application Catalog screen, click Add Application.

Drop the YAML file into the upload box or select the file from the directory.



Open the RBAC template file and edit the service account and namespace lines as shown.


After editing the RBAC template, deploy the file via Kubectl to the new namespace by opening the cluster and the Cluster Settings menu. Then select Launch Terminal to run a Kubectl command.


Using a text editor, paste the new RBAC into rbac.yaml. On the cluster, the rbac.yaml will display as shown.


To deploy the rbac.yaml, run the Deploy RBAC Command in the same terminal window. Replace ‘default’ with the active namespace before running.

Deploy RBAC Command:

Command: sh
/ # kubectl -n default create -f rbac.yaml

Deploy Flannel Overlay

To deploy the Flannel Overlay, apply the Flannel Overlay YAML and using a Kubectl command.

Apply Flannel Overlay Command:

kubectl apply -f

Flannel Overlay YAML

How to Deploy the Vault Operator

To deploy the Vault Operator, deploy both the etcd operator and the deployment YAML.

To deploy the etcd operator , click on Catalog in the sidebar menu and then select Application Catalog. From the main Application Catalog screen, click Add Application.

Wait at least ten minutes before deploying the deployment YAML using the Kubectl Deploy Command, replacing ‘default’ with the active namespace.

Kubectl Deploy Command:

$ kubectl -n default get deploy

After deploying both the etcd operator and the deployment YAML, verify that an etcd and vault operator are running on the cluster.